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My Favorite Fantasy 4
Male fantasy: "I see a Bar, with a lot of Bottles. Jump over and watch from the barkeepers place. Some of the bottles are broken, some of them are full, some emtpy. On the bar, sitting a girl. With her body leanng back, arms streched to the side, legs opened. She is wearing trousers, but no shirt. Her eyes show the spectator her thoughts: "I want you!". Her trousers shoud be torn somewhere. Let her smoke, let her be tattoed, completly naked, whatever. Her eyes tell everybody, woman and man: "I want you." "
Boy... this pic took me half a day. Such a lot of time time and it´s the worst pic of all of these fantasies. Damn! And I forgot a lot of the little things which were wished for. You know what, f. k. you´ll get another pic some time, with THE LOOK, but I´ll decide the motif and try better.I really need to cool down now and take a break. I guess I´ll be off to the movies today. Any horror movie running? I need to get other things on my mind now. ;)
Any quick recommendations for this or that movie?
oh thanks very very much...
wish i could change the bar where i work to that place...
don´t worry you did a really good job. i would go to that bar for sure...
if you really do the glance pic, you get shots of any liquor i can offer in the bar on me.
i would take the french one.
but, better, take control. i saw it and it got me. definitly.
hmmm... jetzt kann ich mich nicht entscheiden. control oder einen horrorfilm. lenkt der erste gut ab?
wo arbeitest du denn und welche schnäpse empfehlst du denn?
BARer 47.
Das, was Freund D. auch immer gerne trinkt.
Die beiden guten "W"-Sachen.
Wodka oder Whiskey.
Oder nen Gimlet. Aber das ist ja angeblich ein Mädchengetränk.
Der erste lenkt sicherlich gut ab und haut vor allem gut rein.
Wenn Horrorfilm, dann "The Descent"... das gehört mit zum "Schlimmsten" was ich gesehen habe. (vielleicht bin ich aber auch nur zart besaitet)
Wodka, Whiskey, Gimlet... alles gut!
"The Descent", ja der war sehr spannend, aber irgendwie blöd wie (fast) jeder Horrorfilm. Ich schau sie mir trotzdem wegen der Aufregung gerne an.
Hi everybody, I revived this project for an exhibition coming up next year. Would love it, if you could join in (again). Best, Kerstin
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