Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Asia Filmfest - Glory To The Filmmaker!

Kitano has described this film as part of the ongoing "creative destruction" of his career, which began in 2005 with Takeshis'. The movie is pretty crazy and I had to laugh a lot. There are different parts of the film, which were all good. But somehow I didn´t like the last part (mainly science fiction). Actually I can´t really describe the movie. All I can say is that you should only watch the movie if you are a Kitano fan.

About the movie:
In his search for the perfect movie – one that will satisfy the urge to entertain and to explore the limits of film – cinematic mastermind Takeshi Kitano has produced a phantasmagorical allegory of the craft. Rooted in his personal catalogue of films, Glory to the Filmmaker! a corrosive yet light-hearted reflection on recent Japanese cinema, defying genre definition and radiating freedom and originality.
Playing himself in the film, Kitano is confronted with the difficult task of producing a box-office hit after publicly announcing his decision to stop making gangster movies. He ventures first toward the well-mined field of formulaic genres. From neo-realist dramas to martial-arts period flicks, and from tear-jerking love stories to science-fiction and horror films made to anticipate their instant Hollywood remakes, he tries hard to create a commercial masterpiece. But his bizarre visions and their even stranger execution ultimately result in the producers’ refusal to finance any of his pitches. (via TIFF `07)

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