So yesterday off I went to an art store to buy a small set of these colors. I had planned on buying a little black Schminke* watercolor set. My dad had given me one of these when I was 6 years old. I never knew how to use them and painted with them the same way like I did with children´s Watercolors. And I still don´t know how to use colors with a brush properly and using the colors delicately.
But when I had a look at all these lovely Watercolor sets at the art store I just couldn´t buy one of the Schminke sets. They are very expensive (I never knew and now I appreciate it, that my father gave me the set when I was a little girl).
Just for trying out watercolors and maybe not using them again, I went for the Winsor & Newton´s Cotman Sketcher's Pocket Box Set. It was the cheapest and the lightest. Maybe one day (hopefully) I will have understood how these colors work and you will see me running around outside with the sketchbook and the colors.

*Schmincke has a reputation for using only the highest-quality natural gums, water-soluble resins, and pigments. For example, the company uses only Kordofan Gum Arabic from the southern Sahara region, and distinguishes between good and bad harvests or "vintages" of this natural resin as it selects its raw materials.
I seldom use watercolor in my drawings either, I found that I`m not really good at these...
but I do believe you`ll be doing great with watercolor, looking forward your new cover!!!
great. congrats for the new contract for cover design. and i envy you for the color set. have a nice colorfull time.
wow, those are expensive but I've heard they are worth it. too expensive for a hack like me tho.
Enjoy your new set
The colors are really worth it, but only if you do use them. :)
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