Usually I draw late at night (between 1 and 3 am) but if I find the time to draw during the day, my kids usually sit next to me and all 3 of us can draw on for hours. I´m glad they are able to calm down once in a while. :)

Currently I am working on Pedro´s moly from the Moly_x_24. His moly has the theme "fairy tales". He started with "Little Red Riding Hood". Have a look at the little girl. The drawing is fantastic. Szaza added "Persephone". I wanted to find a German fairy tale where I could continue the wonderful trees which Pedro started and Szaza took up. So I am working on a "Hansel and Gretel" scene now.

Here´s a close up of Szaza´s drawing. It is beautiful. The red seems to seep out of the pages like blood.

I am having so much fun with Szaza´s and Pedro´s artwork. Both of them are lovely (themselves and their artwork) and I always love continuing the pages after them. They inspire me and they challenge me to try my best.