Tuesday, March 18, 2008

IF: Heavy (Stark By Ich + Ich)

This weeks theme for Illustration Friday is "heavy". I haven´t joined the weekly challenge for weeks (or maybe months), mainly because I can´t find the Moleskine sketchbook which I used for IF and IFN. I guess it was time to draw into another one.


I discovered the band Ich + Ich at Dragonrope. I like the music. Actually it may be a bit kitschy, but I really like the words and the voices and the emotions the singers convey. I´ll be posting more of them soon.

by Ich + Ich

Ich bin seit Wochen unterwegs und trinke zu viel Bier und Wein.

Meine Wohnung ist verödet, meinen Spiegel schlag ich kurz und klein.
Ich bin nicht der, der ich sein will und will nicht sein, wer ich bin.

Mein Leben ist das Chaos, schau mal genauer hin.

Ich bin tierisch eifersüchtig und ungerecht zu Frauen.
Und wenn es ernst wird, bin ich noch immer abgehauen.

Ich frage gerade dich: Macht das alles einen Sinn?
Mein Leben ist ein Chaos, schau mal genauer hin.

Und du glaubst ich bin stark und ich kenn den Weg.
Du bildest dir ein, ich weiß wie alles geht.
Du denkst ich hab alles im Griff und kontrollier was geschieht.
Aber ich steh nur hier oben und sing mein Lied.

Ich bin dauernd auf der Suche und weiß nicht mehr wonach.
Ich zieh Nächte lang durch Bars, immer der, der am lautesten lacht.
Niemand sieht mir an, wie verwirrt ich wirklich bin.
Ist alles nur Fassade, schau mal genauer hin.

Und du glaubst ich bin stark und ich kenn den Weg.
Du bildest dir ein, ich weiß wie alles geht.
Oh, Du denkst ich hab alles im Griff und kontrollier was geschieht.
Aber ich steh nur hier oben und sing mein Lied.
Ich steh nur hier oben und sing mein Lied.

Stell dich mit mir in die Sonne oder geh mit mir ein kleines Stück,
ich zeig dir meine Wahrheit für einen Augenblick.
Ich frage mich genau wie du, wo ist hier der Sinn.
Mein Leben ist ein Chaos, schau mal genauer hin.

Und du glaubst ich bin stark und ich kenn den Weg.
Du bildest dir ein, ich weiß wie alles geht.
Du denkst ich hab alles im Griff und kontrollier was geschieht.
Aber ich steh nur hier oben und sing mein Lied.
Ich steh nur hier oben und sing mein Lied.


Mim said...

The translation on Bablefish of the first stanza

"I am for weeks on the way and drink too much beer and wine. My dwelling is veroedet, means mirror impact I short and small. I am not that, which wants to be I and it does not want to be who I am."

I don't know if this translation is correct, but I like it.

Kerstin Klein said...

I´ve been travelling / away for weeks. I´m drinking too much beer and wine.
My apartment is abandoned. I smash the mirror to bits.
I´m not the one I want to be and do not want to be the one I am.

Boy, it´s really hard to translate the last sentence, to convey the real meaning. Sorry, can´t do it better, Mim.

G in Berlin said...

I really like this as well, although the German is way above my head.

Just wanted to say that I received the very pretty box and sweets and that this week i will post a picture on my blog:just been a little hectic trying to catch up after the vacation.Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Yep, it's a nice song. I think I will try to translate it. But even if I'm german - it's difficult for me to translate german figures of speech... Therefor I have to let you know in advance: The translation won't be perfect!
The first stanza seems to be ok, good work! ;)

My life is a chaos, just take a look.

I'm beastly (very) jealous and treat women unfairly.
And I always run away in front of problems I can't face, I always did.

And now I'm asking you: Does this all make sense?
My life's a chaos, just take a look!

And you think that I'm strong and that I know the way. You pretend I know how to do everything.
You think that I have everything under control and that I control what is going on.
But I'm just standing here at the top and I'm singing my song.

I'm always searching and I do not longer know for what.
At night I'm rambling through the bars - I'm always the one who laughts the loudest.
Nobody notices how confused I actually am.
It's just a facade/mask, just take a look!

And you think that I'm strong and that I know the way. You pretend I know how to do all this.
You think that I have everything under control and that I control what is going on.
But I'm just standing here at the top and I'm singing my song.

Step inside the sun with me or accompany me a short way.
I show you my truth - for a while.
Just like you I'm asking myself where the sense is (?).
My life's a chaos, just take a look!

And you think that I'm strong and that I know the way. You pretend I know how to do all this.
You think that I have everything under control and that I control what is going on.
But I'm just standing here at the top and I'm singing my song.
Im just standing here on the top and I'm singing my song...

Well, I guess you will find some mistakes in my translation but nevertheless I hope I could help you - at least a little bit!

BTW: Very interesting blog, you did (and still are doing) a good job!

Oh and please don't hesitate to correct my translation. It would be interesting to know how it can be improved!


Anonymous said...

Qbout the "problems I can't face" ... Actually it means something like "when things are getting seriou" but I don't know if you can say that on english, can you?


PS: I was just looking for the lyrics and now I'm tranlating it on a blog I don't know, funny! ;)

littlemithi said...

really really like this ... conveys a sense of heaviness beautifully.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the translation. I`ve also descovered this band some days ago and I`m listening on repeat this.