13 years ago I had a similar experience. I saw an ad in a newspaper: a trip to Paris for 4 days / 3 nights including breakfast, the bus trip, admission to 3 museums, 2 guided city tours, 1 boat tour on the Seine, and a few extras for the price of 100,- DM (around EUR 50/ $60). Considering that you have to pay a lot more than this sum just to travel to Paris, my boyfriend didn´t want to join me. He said there had to be something fishy about the offer. I didn´t really care, because it wouldn´t be too bad as only $60 were involved. Actually I was really disappointed that he didn´t join me. When I told my sister about it, she was as excited as I was. So off to Paris I went with my sister and it was a great trip. We both enjoyed it a lot.*
So I asked her to join me this time too, though I know that she´s not too excited about seeing naked ladies dancing. We´ve both had a lot of stuff going on the past weeks and months. She´s just completed her studies as an early childhood educator and I´m currently at home with both kids. They´ve got the whopping cough and have been home for a long time. A few days off will be great for both of us.
Best of all: I could finally buy my first Moleskine City Notebook and I´m excited to fill it with some sketches and lots of places I would like to visit in Paris.
* Did I ever mention the story, that my sister and I went to a local restaurant with only a French menu. None of us could speak French and we were both feeling very adventurous ordering something on the menu - without knowing what we would get. Expecting some French speciality, we almost peed our pants when I received roasted chicken and my sister received a Bratwurst. :)
Bringst Du mir bitte eine Stange filterloser Gitanes Mais mit? (une cartouche de Gitanes Mais sans filtre)
Wenn Du mir sagst wie viel die ungefähr kosten (muss mein Geld ein wenig einteilen; ist ein Sparurlaub ;) ) und mich dann nochmals ein paar Tage vorher daran erinnerst und ich es dann nicht vergesse.... hihihi.... dann bringe ich sie Dir gerne mit.
Gibt es die auch am Flughafen dort? Oder besser in einem Pariser Tabakladen?
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