Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What Is RED For You?

On January 1 I started a new project for the year 2010: "What is RED for you" (and also started a Facebook page showing your submissions). In a Moleskine Daily Planner I´ve been posting one page of the planner daily.
A lot of you have already joined in, but there are still more than 7 months to fill and I am slowly running out of people. If you have already sent in something, you can still send in another answer.
If you have any spontaneous ideas concerning the color RED, please send (preferably in your native language), draw, sketch, glue your thoughts (portrait format) me your answer or a scan or picture (optionally with your name, (age), link to blog/website, occupation, city) in an email. And I wouldn´t mind if you link to this post and share it on your blog. :)

Here are some of the previous entries:
1. 28.jpg, 2. may5, 3. 04, 4. 13.jpg, 5. 14.jpg, 6. 06, 7. 11.jpg, 8. march18, 9. 4.jpg, 10. 8.jpg, 11. 19, 12. apr23, 13. jan27, 14. may8, 15. feb20, 16. may14, 17. feb6, 18. may6, 19. feb9, 20. jun2, 21. feb26, 22. apr21, 23. feb25, 24. may3, 25. march16.jpg, 26. 25.jpg, 27. march21.jpg, 28. april11, 29. march23, 30. may1

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